Throughout life my goal is to be there for others, to share experiences, good and bad, aiming to stay open to other peoples views, opinions, beliefs, and truly listen.

This helped me discover who I am, and what my purpose is.

Yoga to me is about making you feel worthy and teaching you to be kind to yourself, not about feeling less than, i.e. -I am not flexible enough- it is about teaching us to listen where our boundaries are, emotionally, physically and mentally.

You have one beautiful you, treat it with care and self compassion.

You are enough, a beautiful being in a human experience.

Hopefuly we meet each other soon.




Who am I?

“I am Claudette, born in the Netherlands and moved to Torquay after living in Antwerp for 7 years. Together with my loving husband I have three beautiful daughters.

Your sensitivity is your superpower!

Vinyasa Flow helps build and maintain strong bones, muscles and connective tissue to maintain a high metabolism, healthy posture, and an active and alive body.

The physical work of Vinyasa Flow yoga ensures that we will have the strength, balance and function to maintain health lives into our senior years.


It is our beautiful reminder to do what comes naturally.

It is the first thing we do when we enter this world and the last thing we do when we leave”

The science behind yoga:

The central nervous system is made up of two parts: the sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system. The sympathetic nervous system is responsible for our fight or flight mode, which most of us tend to function in on a daily basis due to the tumult around us. The parasympathetic nervous system supports our autonomic functions such as breathing, heart and metabolic rates, and restores balance. When this part of our central nervous system turns on, blood is directed to our digestive organs, endocrine glands and lymphatic circulation, while blood pressure and heart rate are lowered.

How to balance the nervous system:

Yoga can effectively reduce the body's stress response by decreasing the production of cortisol, which happens when the sympathetic nervous system is overworked.

Since many of us function in the sympathetic nervous system, think answering emails at any hour, being blasted by ever-changing imagery on social media, and dealing with the stress of our jobs and busy lives, our bodies are producing high amounts of the hormone cortisol. This hormone can actually start to wreak havoc on our brains by dampening our reflexes, our ability to focus and our memory, thus affecting our entire lives. So naturally, the aim is to restore balance and reduce cortisol levels by intentionally activating the parasympathetic nervous system. A strong central nervous system is a balanced one.The practice effectively does this by increasing the coordination between our minds and our bodies through the physical postures, breathing techniques, and conscious relaxation methods that help stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system.

Conscious breathing and conscious execution of yoga postures actually strengthens nerve transmissions from the body to the brain, decreasing our stress and muscular tension. Fully supported, restorative yoga poses activate the parasympathetic nervous system, allowing anxiety, fear and anger to leave our minds. Allow yourself to experience that life is better lived when you don’t centre it on what’s happening around you and enter it on what’s happening inside you instead.

Let’s work on yourself and your inner peace.

Claudette x

Say Hello!

Are you interested in finding out more about yoga?

Please get in touch with me using the form and I will get back to you as soon as I am able.


Claudette x